Furred Out Kreations!
When you see it, you'll say 'FOK! That's awesome!'

Furred Out Kreations! is a United States based fursuit building and repair operation offering quality fursuits, and fursuit repairs.
Shop Status:
FULL until June '21
Quotes Open for Waitlist
Slots may open sooner so keep checking back to get your spot.
Or contact FOK! to get on the wait list for priority when a slot opens up.
FOK! has been building fursuits since 2010. Durability, quality and accuracy have been at the heart of FOK!'s values in each product. And because FOK! is confident in all the hand crafted, custom works of art, FOK! offers a limited lifetime warranty on all products and repairs.
Check out our Gallery for recent works. Our Estimate Form is always online for quick and easy pricing. And our FAQ page is available for your major questions and answers.