Furred Out Kreations!
When you see it, you'll say 'FOK! That's awesome!'

What you need!
In order for FOK! to process orders in a more timely manner and get you a quote. Please have handy the following information when sending your request.
Visual Concept Art
What you are looking to order
Partial (include what parts)
Parts and Pieces
Any and all special features for your order, the more detailed the request, the better.
Long hair
Fan/Electric Ventilation
LED work
Larger than normal tail(s)
Special fur(s) to be used
Any requesting deadlines (Note: FOK! does not guarentee any requested deadline but will do the best to accommodate)
Any allergy notifications FOK! should be aware of
International ordering? (Do you live outside of the United States)
Any other information that may be important
When you feel ready, simply fill out the brief application here:
By contacting FOK! for a quote and proceeding with a project, you are agreeing to FOK!'s Terms of Service.