Furred Out Kreations!
When you see it, you'll say 'FOK! That's awesome!'

For Full Body Suits! (or just body parts if you so choose)
First off, Why do you need a Duct Tape Dummy?
Simple, in order for FOK! to get the most accurate and form fitting body suit, a duct tape dummy is about the best method for that exact purpose. A DTD is basicly a copy of yourself that can be cut up into pieces, used for pattern work and even a good base for testing the fit of suits.
There are literally dozens of of tutorials available for making a duct tape dummy, so to avoid adding to that list, we will pass on a few links that are very useful and come highly recommended.
How to make a Duct Tape Dummy (DTD)
For Your Head
Please be sure to lable your package so that the body suit can be matched accordingly to the project.

First off, Why do you need a Duct Tape Dummy?
Simple, in order for FOK! to get the most accurate and form fitting fursuit head, a duct tape dummy is about the best method for that exact purpose. A DTD is basicly a copy of yourself that can be used for pinning objects down, used for general eye placement and even a good base for testing the fit of the head.
Surprisingly, there are very few tutorials on how to make a DTD for your head. Although the principle is the same as making a body, some precautions must be noted:
Cut a hole for your nose to allow breathing
Always have a friend helping you.