Furred Out Kreations!
When you see it, you'll say 'FOK! That's awesome!'

Full Body Suits
Full body suits are the typical sought after works. Providing full coverage of the indivituals body and allowing the performer to maximize their ability to stand out in the crowd, full suits are the best option for those that do not mind the care and maintenance that comes with owning a suit.
Full suits include:
Hand & Feet paws
Body Suit
Digitigade Leg Padding
Aditional Tails
& Much More

Partial Suits
Partials are a bit more flexible when it comes to options. Common selections may or may not include footpaws. More detailed options are avialable as well such as arm sleeves (shown) to compliment handpaws, a shirt or pants. But the one thing every partial has is the quality and care we put into the suit.
Partial suits include:
Hand & Feet paws
Additional Tails
Arm Sleeves
& Much More

a la Carte
Just want a cute pair of foot paws, or a tail to wag around at conventions? Then buying just parts and pieces can be your best option, especially for those working with a very tight budget. However, it it not recommended to buy parts and pieces over a long period of time to build your suit. Doing so can result in parts not matching in colors perfectly, or items loosing their luster sooner than newer purchased items.
A la carte is best suited for individuals wanting to join in the fun with suits, but without wanting the larger amounts of care and maintenance for a partial or full suit. Owning a personalized tail has its own rewards, or walking around renaissance festivals with a pair of cloven hooves can really add to your ensemble.
Here are some quick options for reference, more items are available upon request.
What's offered!
Furred Out Kreations! is capable of providing many levels of suits to fit just about any budget. From full suits to parts and pieces, we can work with just about any need.
Here, we list the most common offers and starting prices. Each starting price is for very basic, single color options.
NOTE: Some prices may be lower than the starting price under special circumstances.
For an estimate on what you would like to have without the hassle of sending e-mails and waiting for replies, check-out our Estimate Form.
NOTE: Estimates are NOT Quotes. Estimates are for a rough idea on specific pricing. Quotes can only be obtained from e-mail contact with FOK! See our Terms of Service for more details.
Starting Price: $1,300 USD
Partial suits include:
Hand paws
Additional Tails
Arm Sleeves
& Much More
Starting Price
$980 USD
Starting Price
$710 USD
Heads: $590+ USD
Handpaws: $50+ USD
Tails: $35+ USD
All Prices shown are subject to change without notice. Prices include shipping costs within the continential United State of America. International shipping is extra. See Terms of Service for full details.